
Angel Eyes


07-01-2013, 01:36 PM

Spring. It was finally spring. Winter was begrudgingly releasing her hold on Alacritis, allowing Spring to wriggle its way back into the land. The air was a little crisper, fresher, sweeter now that the flowers were beginning to bloom. Everything was that much more beautiful. Including Song, his new wife. Wife. He loved being able to think that to himself, but he loved it even more when he was able to say it aloud. If he had friends, he would've been annoying them by now with how frequently he would've been referring to Song as his wife. She was his wife. She was his for the rest of eternity. And no one could take her away from him. It would have to be over his dead, cold body that they take his little dove from him. No one was going to touch her or even look at her so long as he was breathing.

Something was in the spring air, and it wasn't just the pretty flowers blooming. Song...Song was absolutely mesmerizing, but more than usual. There was something about, he couldn't put his paw on it exactly, but there was something different about her, something that made him want to be around her more. Her scent...her scent was different. He could tell. But he didn't know why exactly. It was sweeter, more intoxicating, more alluring, drawing him in like a moth to a flame. But why? He couldn't figure it out. Her scent hadn't been like this in the winter, so why was it changing for the spring?

The newlyweds were out exploring, taking the time to be do things together, to bond even more so than they already were. Alacritis was a huge place and Cherokee knew they wouldn't be able to explore all of it. But there were a few places here and there that were rather eye catching. Like this cliff decorated in a wildflower meadow. It was breathtaking. He had never seen anything like it before. But it wasn't the meadow that was holding his attention. It was the beautiful ivory angel that really had his attention. She seriously looked like an angel as she stepped into the meadow, the glow of the morning sun surrounding her like a halo. Words escaped him as he approached slowly from behind, reaching out to nuzzle her haunches before he came to her side, crown turning to glance down at her, mismatched gaze meeting her own. Beautiful. He murmured, pressing a kiss to her cute little nose.

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