
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
08-04-2017, 12:04 AM

Teeth snapped on air, though his paw struck Regulus' left hind toes, barely leaving the red male with a few mild scratches as he (reg) surged past him. Almost immediately, Dragon would readjust himself to remove himself from the position he was in. As Regulus surged past, Dragon would bunch his hind legs and bunny hop forward about a foot, before landing to turn himself sharply to his right and towards Regulus. As a result of his movement, Regulus' attempt at biting his left hind leg would fail, though he'd still gain a hit. Dragon felt Regulus' teeth slash his lower right thigh when he turned, cutting flesh and fur to leave moderate lacerations. The adrenaline, however, would keep him from feeling the pain for now, though he could vaguely feel the warm trickle of blood from the bite wound. Regulus' attempt at stomping on his right hind toes would barely hit thanks to his (Dragon's) movement. Instead of smashing all of his toes, Regulus' toes would come down on Dragon's outer toe on his right hind foot. It wasn't enough surface area to break, but there would be a moderate bruise there later for sure.

The earthen male would keep his defenses going, ears pinned to his head, hackles bristling along his body, teeth bare in a furious snarl. Green eyes narrowed, the skin bunched up around his face for further protection. Toes were splayed, his weight evened out as much as possible across all four limbs. His tail remained tucked for the sake of protecting his belly, claws biting the earth for traction as well. Regulus' headbutt would miss Dragon's left hind leg thanks to his (Dragon's) turning. The red male's shoulder would graze his outer thigh on the right side, leaving light bruising though not enough to knock him down. Lastly, Reg's attempt at hooking his left hind leg would miss and rake through air.

Dragon would continue his movement, aiming to bring him and Regulus to a rough "T" formation, hips swinging away from Regulus. With his head close to the center of Regulus' back (facing directly to Regulus' right side). With defenses in check, Dragon would begin to make his move. Dragon would kick forward, aiming to close the last bit of distance. Right shoulder jutted forward like a javelin as he aimed to slam it directly into the right side of Regulus' rib cage just in front of the abdomen, hoping to bruise or fracture one of Regulus' ribs. Simultaneously, he'd also use his momentum to smash his entire chest into Regulus' right side as well, aiming to bruise and wind the other male. Dragon's Jaws would gape open then, the earthen male twisting his head downwards towards Regulus' abdomen and sought to slash his teeth down Regulus' right side of the abdomen where the flesh was more tender. Top fangs sought to slash downward and bottom fangs sought to grip just where the belly was. As he did this, his left forepaw would rise before quickly smashing down towards Regulus' right hind foot, aiming to smash and break or bruise toes.

While Dragon was tangled in the fight, Kimahri would at last make his move. The jaguar would crouch and quickly slink forward before breaking into a fast bound, aiming to close the distance between him and his opponent. His sights were on the big red male, and without hesitation once he got closer behind the red alpha, he leaped forth and opened his jaws. His head twisted to his right, long fangs seeking to attain a crippling grip upon Regulus' spine closer to the base of his tail. Top fangs sought to tear into Regulus' right side and bottom fangs sought to tear into the left side of the spine. His own tail lashed for balance, the Jaguar attempting to latch on and bite with as much force as he possibly could...

Dragon x Fern vs Regulus x Justice for MAIM [Castration]
Round: 2/2
Height: 39"


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.