
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
08-04-2017, 08:41 AM
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

Blood was staining the fur in the middle of Dómari's forehead, running down each side of his muzzle from his earlier wounds.  His ears remained pinned to his head, his hackles raised, his tail tucked and his eyes narrowed. He wanted to end this fight quickly but his opponent was putting up a hell of a struggle.  Dómari felt a small sense of victory as his right forepaw succeeded in bruising Ramsay's throat and causing the other to gag but his bite would fail as Ramsay's jaws surged inside his own. Dómari's tongue quickly flattened to the floor of his mouth as fangs just nicked it leaving light lacerations but causing terrible pain.  The limited space to move and Dómari's swiftly closing jaws did not give the other enough time to do serious damage.  Ramsay's jaws swiftly retreated but due to Dómari flinching at his wounds he failed to get a strong hold on anything.

Dómari swiftly rolled his shoulders forward, his neck scrunching back and his chin tucking as he felt Ramsay start to shift under him, knowing full well the man wasn't going to take to being pinned.  As Ramsay jerked to Dómari's left, the Celestian's right foreleg was dislodged and he quickly set it on the ground but he didn't plan to keep it there for long.  Dómari was going to pin the squirmy little maggot if it was the last thing he did and he swiftly lifted his forelegs while Ramsay was finishing his roll.  Dómari felt Ramsay's left forepaw trace down the inside of his left foreleg, leaving a few welts from the claws but ultimately failing to pin his left forepaw which was in the air.  Dómari hoped to wrap his left foreleg around the left side of Ramsay's neck, just in front of the man's front left leg.  He sought to wrap his right foreleg around right side of Ramsay's neck, just in front of the man's front right leg.  Simultaneously, Dómari lifted his hind legs and let his weight fall, hoping to force Ramsay to bear all of it, his chest to Ramsay's shoulders, his gut to Ramsay's back.  Dómari attempted to wrap his left hind leg under Ramsay's stomach, just in front of the man's left thigh while he tried to wrap his right hind leg under Ramsay's stomach in front of the man's right thigh. Giddyup!  He felt Ramsay's shoulders surge forward and up but with their close proximity and Dómari attempting to throw his forelegs around the base of his opponents neck Ramsay's shoulders would instead strike the center of Dómari's chest, leaving light bruising.

But Dómari wasn't done.  At the same time he sought to wrap his limbs around his quarry his jaws lunged for Ramsay's head.  Dómari rotated his head sharply to his own right seeking to press his jaws as close to Ramsay's head as possible with Ramsay's pinned left ear between them.  His upper jaw would be closer to the middle of Ramsay's head while his lower jaw would be to the left of Ramsay's left ear. His goal was to snap his jaws brutally together to cut through the flesh of Ramsay's head and slice the appendage off at its base to render it from his opponents head. 

Ramsay vs Domari for Maim [Crippling of lower jaw and severe facial scarring]
Round 3 of 3
Height: 37"
Build: Heavy