
Spotlight on Centerstage [Abraxas Fam]



3 Years
Extra large
08-04-2017, 09:05 PM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2017, 09:31 AM by Asharya.)

Asharya was minding her own business, as usual. Ever the prim and polite pup, she licked her paws with an air of smug satisfaction. Or maybe that was just because Ashi was currently being forcibly groomed against his will. Whatever the reason, the typically fiery pup was being unnaturally well behaved. Her mother had set out earlier to meet her new cousins, and apparently Asha got to meet them soon too! She could practically vibrate with excitement! New pups to play with meant someone other than Ashi to boss around, and since they were littler than she was, they would have to listen to her. Lydia rose from her task and announced that they were good to go. With a whooping, "Yahooo!" she bolted upright and raced towards where she knew her mother had disappeared.

Asharya was getting a lot better at using her nose now that she was getting bigger and bigger. Her attention span had yet to show any marked improvement, so finding her target was still a fairly difficult endeavor, but today she was determined! The trail down the canyon wrapped and wound but by now Asharya knew it like the back of her paw and she took it with ease, never mind how nervous Lydia might be made by her reckless descent. Asharya knew they must be getting close so she cast a glance over her shoulder at Ashi to make sure he was walking close behind. He looked like a young prince, and she was reminded for a moment of her uncle Amon. Asha rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him. "Would you hurry? They'll be all grown up by the time we get there at this rate!" She let out an exasperated sigh and continue to dash ahead.

Asharya saw a lot of familiar faces, ecstatic as she ever was to see members of her family. It took her a moment to realize that the pelts she didn't recognize weren't becoming any more familiar the closer they grew. She beamed from ear to ear and careened onto the scene. She turned her attention at once to a young charcoal and ivory fae, a speckled golden wolf, and a brown fae dusted with flecks of snow. "Hey!" She opened her mouth, prepared to demand a story of valor or heroics, when it occurred to her that she didn't exactly know who these wolves were. She spun towards Pyralis and raced towards her instead. "Mama! Who are these wolves? Will you introduce me?" She had been so distracted by the titans among them, that she hadn't noticed Ashi's discovery of the pups, who were already spilled forth from the den.

Her brother called out her name, and she saw he had found himself a small white male, still rotund with his puppy fat. She gasped, never ending fount of energy spewing forth yet again as she raced to Ashi's side, older members of her family forgotten entirely. "Wow! You're so small! Hi, I'm Asharya, and I know lots of games! Uhh... Oh! What about tackle-and-pin! We both tackle Ashi and try to hold him down! Like this!!" She turned to her brother, an evil smile curling onto her lips. She pounced without a second thought, leaping forwards with little regard to social propriety, or whether or not her young cousin would even want to join in.

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox