
Angel Eyes



07-01-2013, 02:07 PM

A jolt of electricity ran through her spine as Cherokee went to touch her. It surprised her so much she jumped a bit as she finished with a kiss on her muzzle. Her eyes wide in puzzlement, why would him touching her send shocks through her body. She wanted him to touch her, but the sensation was so out of place. It was like his nuzzles had started a chain reaction, and suddenly she could not sit still. She let a whine escape her lips as the change continued to take over her body. "Cherokee, how did you do that?" It was his affectionate touch that had started the ordeal he must have known what was going on.
The most peculiar part was that she wished him to do it again, the jolt hadn't been wholly uncomfortable. She let herself come closer to him again, she could feel the pressure build up under her skin as she moved to nuzzle him back. She had quickly gotten over the initial surprise and now she actually wanted more of the intoxicating feeling. She wasn't quite sure what was happening, but she liked it. Her delicate ivory crown pushed under the ebony knight's chin the rest of her body was pressed against his flank. Her tail wagged slightly at her hocks, "What is going on." It was not quite a question, because deep in the back of her mind she knew exactly what was happening. Instinct was a hard thing to ignore.
