
Every loss, every lie, every truth that you deny



5 Years
Athena I
08-04-2017, 10:07 PM

It felt like she had looked everywhere. She wanted to go home, she didn't want to keep running around looking for her sister, but... She had to find her. Once she had realized that Diana was gone and hadn't returned, Jayne just had the worst feeling about it. She was supposed to protect her sister and now she didn't even know where she was. The worry on their mothers' faces was just so heartbreaking. Her paw pads were hard and calloused now from all of the traveling and searching. Any scrap of fat was gone, leaving just a toned, lean woman behind. She realized recently that she was three years old now... they were three years old. Her and Diana. Because she refused to believe anything other than the idea that Diana was alive and well somewhere out there.

It was going to be dark soon. Her feet crunched across the field and she thanked the genetics from her mother's side for the thick coat of fur she had. At least she was still fairly warm despite being this far north. She'd be happy to get back down toward Fiori - hopefully sooner rather than later. Then, as the wind changed and brought in scents from a different direction, she caught the one scent she had been searching for all this time. Her ears shot up and she frantically looked around till her blue eyes landed on the smaller, mostly ivory form of her sister. "Diana... Diana! Diana!!" she called, growing more excited and getting louder with each repetition. She ran full speed down the red-headed woman with a huge, relieved smile on her face. Finally!

"Talk" "You" Think