
Young and hopeless



4 Years
08-06-2017, 02:38 AM
A furious growl was rumbling in his chest, rippling through his throat and passed his grinding jaws. His hackles bristled threateningly, his fangs exposed and furiously aching to dig into flesh. He couldn't stand his brother talking to him like this. Where did he draw the line and just put an end to this? He felt he was seconds away from launching at his only remaining sibling. His posture did not falter - not until Greed said something that struck him deeply. "In the end they both abandoned us, and then all of you abandoned me!" It was a statement that he couldn't ignore, that ripped at his heart in a way that could only be provoked by his family members. He cared for no one else the way he cared for his family. It was the reason he could have never believed that his mother, father and other siblings could have abandoned them, not until it actually happened. Ramsay's stance changed dramatically, his ears flicking back and his gaze casting to the ground, his tail dropping and hackles flattening as though he were deflating. "I'm... sorry.. I.." he stuttered, but he could say no more as his brother's wrath continued.

Ramsay was a prideful man, and he was easily gripped by fury, ego and vengeance. But suddenly he could see his brother's pain with clarity, even hidden behind the wall of venomous words and aggression, and this was no longer about his pride. He suddenly didn't want this to go any further. If it had been over anything else, he would have fought his brother then and there, and he wouldn't think twice about it. The words his brother spoke doused the fire of his anger though, and he felt a desire in him to fix this. But how? Greed didn't believe him, didn't believe that he cared because they were brothers, and the young man still had more to say. All he could do was stand there quietly, his head turned slightly to the side while Greed verbally assaulted him, and now he felt like he deserved it. He couldn't retaliate, didn't want to. "Sometimes I wish I didn't have a brother!" Okay, now that stung. His breath caught for a moment, and when he drew in breath, it came raggedly, emotions he couldn't identify or deal with making his chest feel tight.

He couldn't believe what he heard his brother say to him, and for a moment, anger began to well up within him again. It was mixed feeling, a cold fury, yet he hurt at his core in many ways. Every one of them in this dysfunctional family had been affected. "Stop," he uttered in a low tone, turning his eyes back to his sibling, "This isn't my fault. We shouldn't be fighting like this." He shook his head, his green eyes gleaming with fury and grief. If their damn parents had just been normal, had stepped up and done what they were supposed to, none of this would have happened. How was he, as a pup, supposed to know that he couldn't trust the very ones who had brought him into this fucked up world? "I never would have left if I'd known this would happen," he continued, trying pathetically to explain himself, even though he wasn't sure he deserved the chance to try - would it make any difference anyways?

Back then Ramsay had believed his father, and he had hoped that Greed would see what they would accomplish and come join them. Back then, he'd thought Greed didn't want to be a part of their family, and that he'd chosen to stay in Ivalice because he didn't care about their family. "I didn't know what you knew," he admitted, "I just... none of this should have ever happened. It's mom and dad's fault. They're the ones that deceived us all. They're the ones that abandoned their own family, and ripped us all apart. We shouldn't be turning on each other for all the shit that they caused." His eyes burned as emotion tore through him, all of the shit that had been buried for months that he'd tried to erase through solitude and constant ingestion of intoxicating herbs, was surfacing in a way he didn't know how to manage. Suddenly, he wanted to run away, but at the same time he didn't want to leave Greed without settling this somehow.
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!