
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
08-06-2017, 10:36 PM
The smaller female slowed before Justice could hit her, so the yearling fighter's attacks went rather astray. Justice as brought to a jarring halt when she struck the other female's ribcage, but she kept her feet squared beneath her, her weight shifting to redistribute it evenly once again as her foresaw returned to the ground having failed in her attempt to hook Ferns legs. A slightly widened stance and spread toes, joints bent slightly in a half-crouch, all served to contribute to a more solid, balanced stance to make her harder to move. She kept her ears pinned and her eyes narrowed to minimize them as targets, and her hackles fluffed out to blur her outline and make it harder to judge where to hit her.

She dug her dull nails into the earth beneath her, partly defensively for balance and grip, but also to assist in power, for as Fern attempted to rear up to get a leg over her, Justice attempted to power forward with her hindquarters, aiming to slam her chest and the point of her right shoulder up under Ferns front lower chest, just above and somewhat between her forelegs in an attempt to prevent her from getting a grip with her foreleg and in the hopes of sending her tumbling over into Dragon's jaguar companion before he could reach Regulus. (Counter)

She ducked her chin down and to the left in an attempt to avoid Ferns bite as she did so, and for a triumphant moment it seemed like she had succeeded... until the pain hit like a burning brand across her face. Rather than hitting and gripping her muzzle, one of Ferns fangs had drawn a severe laceration along Justices face, from her brow to her cheek on the right side. Justice experienced a moment of infuriated panic until she could force that eye open through the pain and realized with relief that the eye itself hadn't been damaged, though a red film of blood stung at her eye and temporarily blinded it.

In retaliation, as she attempted to bowl Fern over Justice also whipped her muzzle back towards her opponent and sought to sink her fangs into the right side of Ferns face, her upper fangs aimed to her right brow and her lower fangs aiming to hook into the arch of Ferns jaw beneath her right eye, in an attempt to shred the flesh of her face and possibly crush the bone and eye there.

Every ounce of the grief and fury and hurt and frustration that had been bottled beneath the numbness in the wake of her father's death had been released explosively by the perceived betrayal of her family by its Talis members, and since Regulus was effectively out of bounds by virtue of being her alpha Justice had turned that wrath upon the interfering Talis wolf who had stepped between her and her righteous vengeance, and she held little back.

JUSTICE and REGULUS vs FERN and DRAGON for MAIM (severe facial scarring FERN)

just to make sure it's clear oocly, although Justice is trying to do more damage at the same time with the bite officially the maim is only for facial scarring, not blinding or anything else. Sorry it's so last minute, we drove home all through the night and didn't get in until mid morning so I ended up sleeping all day!