
come back to life



6 Years

08-06-2017, 11:01 PM

Esarosa felt a warmth spread through her as Steel embraced her, his head draped over her shoulders and pulling her closer to him. A contented sigh passed her lips, and she felt comforted by him. She knew it wouldn't remove the dangers of the raid, but his presence and affection was reassuring. They could overcome anything together, she was sure of it. His words met her ears, and she could hear some of the sadness he felt about this raid. He didn't want it to happen, either, and he worried for the safety of their daughters as much as she did. When he continued, he didn't need to say much for the message to be clear to her - if anyone hurt the girls, there would be hell to pay. She could feel his jaw clenching, his tensed muscles pressing against her shoulder. Once more he spoke, and Esa nodded in response to his words. "They'll be okay, my love," she said, the words offered to assure herself as much as to assure him, "They won't get into anything that's over their head. They're smarter than that."

It was all she could do to say the words out loud and to keep hoping that her girls would be okay and stay out of serious trouble. It was just a raid, not a full-on war, but there was still the possibility of serious injuries. The pack they were raiding was going to defend their territory, no doubt, and they may take that duty seriously. Although Dragon had said from their mission it didn't appear the wolves were very responsive to an intruder, that could change when ten invaders showed up beyond their borders. Shaking her head, she didn't want to think about it anymore. She leaned into Steel's embrace, tilting her head to plant a kiss on his cheek, and then she pulled away, brushing her tail along his neck as she stood and padded a few steps away. "All this talk has gotten me hungry," she declared - she actually wasn't that hungry, but she didn't want to think about this raid anymore. Her head might explode if she kept letting her thoughts whirl.

She looked over her shoulder at Steel, waving her tail in a beckoning motion, hoping he'd join her so they could get moving and get their minds off of the inevitable. "Why don't we take a walk?" she offered, "Maybe we'll think of something we can work on for Talis while we wander. To be honest, I haven't been everywhere in this castle yet." They could explore the corridors of the castle, the ones that still remained, and perhaps they'd come across a little critter they could snack on. In the meantime, they could think of something they'd do for their pack when this raid was over. She paused, waiting to see if Steel would join her.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]