
The Strength to Carry On



9 Years
Extra large
07-01-2013, 02:28 PM

It had been a few days sinc that fight with the bear causing Glaciem trouble. It had been one heck of a fight, the most she had ever done in her life. Zanire couldn't believe it still, sh was usually calm and collected but she unleashed her full power onto that male. Which ended up bringing her down with him. It didn't matter though, the wolves had helped her climb out from under the rocks and even treated some of her wound. They were brave and earned a good place in her heart. If they ever needed help, they knew who to call.

Winter was over and because of that she could leave her den, begin the gathering of food to bulk up for next Winter. The thought caused the woman to come to a stop, violet orbs staring straight ahead at the cave system she was heading to. Pfft. Her lips flabbed at thethought, shaking her head and forming a small smile as she began moving again. Me have Summer and Autumn for dat.

Why was she heading towards these caves? Sometime before she began hibernation the bear met a young lad by the name of Creed when she was studying the images on the walls. Her mother told her they were cave paintings and that man had made them a long long time ago. They were interesting, and wanted to see if there was more.

But as she neared the entrance the smell of blood flooded her nose. Zanire stopped, extending her neck, sniffing the air some more. It was a wolf, possibly injured. What worried her though was the scent of Glaciem mixed in there, someone she had helped during the bear hunt. Zanire here... She called gently, lumbering into the cave a few steps before stopping. You okay Glaciem wolf?

Moving further in the bear kept her eyes peeling, nose sniffing the air, trying to follow its trail. Within moments she could see a body sitting up against a wall, a few more to realize who the body belonged to. Gargoyle! She barked, quickly moving over and standing before him, violent orbs running over his wounds. What happen? You okay?


Awesome image made by Clash. <3