
Play This Game


07-01-2013, 02:51 PM

The scene was almost tranquil, aside from the demon whom was amongst it. The alabaster monster?s paws rested against the cool dirt, claws digging into the ground lightly, as he watch the flow of the water, as it rushed seamlessly over the rocks. The speed of the water was much like his mind, flowing constantly, rarely dwelling on one thought for too long. At the moment, the beast was calm, relaxed in his setting. His placid moment had been interrupted so rudely, as rudely as spring had interrupted winter. Aggressive stance and tone were met by a beauty of a she-wolf. ?I?m hardly a fool baby.? Her tone was a coo, which brought the tilt of his ears forward, his eyes studying her, drinking her in. She was mostly grey, with black markings that adorned her face, making her unique, much like his own marks had set him apart from others. Her eyes, perhaps were the most stunning, set against her pelt they were a hot pink. She was attractive, to say the least.

Fur flattened slowly, his tail lowering, hackles relaxing. Instead of the snarl that was upon his jaws, a sultry smile grew, taking her in. He took a deep breath drinking in her scent. A chuckle escaped him, as he let out a light sigh. Perhaps this day would take an interesting turn after all? He watched her for moments, before slowly sinking back onto his haunches, his two toned eyes never leaving her bodice. His look was critical, and observing. Moments would pass before his ivory jaws would part, and words would fall seamlessly from his lips, his voice low, hoarse, almost sultry.

?Mmm, a sight as fine as that could hardly be a fool, I must agree. Tell me, sweetheart, what brings you here? Looking for a walk with the devil?? A smirk placed upon his jaws, head titled to the left, he waited for her remarks, wondering where this conversation would go, and what interesting things were possibly to happen. Grey-tipped tail would curl around, his frame, the tip resting just on top of his front paws, his posture relaxed but alert, should their moment turn dark.