
Wanna paint it black



2 Years
08-11-2017, 03:04 AM
It took her a few moments to recognize that there was someone running towards her, but Saffron managed to turn and face the other she-wolf just before she closed the distance between them. Her silver, green-flecked eyes glanced over the fae, wondering who she was and where she'd come from. Did she live here? Was she coming to defend her claim to the island? She took up a somewhat defensive stance, facing the woman head on and lowering her head beneath the level of her shoulders, hackles raising slightly. She didn't like it when wolves came running straight up to her, but she wasn't one to act irrationally out of fear. She would wait to see if the other was on the offensive, but it would seem the woman stopped just short of her. Relaxing just slightly, but remaining guarded in similar fashion to Heather, Saffron perked her ears as the other spoke.

Her white brow quirked, head tilting as she wondered why this woman was asking her about who she knew. Although, she supposed the name Adravendi was becoming familiar to her now... did this woman have some sort of connection to her cousins? Still, not convinced she should let go of too much information, Saffron turned away from the woman slightly, staring into the odd, stormy jungle. She shrugged at first in response to the woman's words. "I know them," she said curtly,
eyeing the woman sidelong before looking back to the wilderness, "What do you suppose is in there?" She changed the subject quickly, creeping toward the exotic woods carefully, wondering if the woman would pursue her and ask more questions. It didn't bother Saffron at all, but she was merely hesitant to discuss the family members she didn't really know too well. After all, there was much about her history that she didn't know, and she didn't want to ruin her chances of learning more.