
We Will Meet Again


07-01-2013, 04:07 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:21 AM by Gael.)

Despite not having a verbal response, he was more than satisfied with the smile that he was rewarded with. Her smile was worth more than any words she could have given him, though he treasured each and every word that slipped from her lips. Truth rang deeply in his promises to Meili. He wouldn't abandon her. She was his friend now, of that he was certain, and he would go above and beyond what any normal friend would just for her. Because she was that special. He would relocate himself if that was what it took in order to help her adjust to pack life. He care about her and her well-being. It was just the kind of guy he was. Once you became apart of his family and were able to befriend, you had yourself a friend and protector for life. And that's exactly what he was to the smaller woman now. A friend and protector. Who knew if later on he would become that and something more.

And then there was something pressing against his side and he realized it was Meili. She had closed the minute gap between them, pressing her smaller body against his, fitting perfectly, as if her body had been designed to fit into his side. He could feel her resting her head against his shoulder and he smiled to himself, craning his neck around to that his muzzle pressed against the bridge between her eyes, right at the beginning of her forehead, salmon snaking out to present her with a soft kiss. She was an older woman. He barely a yearling. Certainly, the age difference made for an odd relationship, but that didn't matter. Not to Gael at least. He liked her and she was his friend. There was nothing wrong with them being friends. And even if they did turn out to become something more later on, who was to tell him he couldn't be with her? Age was just a number. As long as his feelings for her were true and honest, then he saw no quarrel against being with her. If others had a problem with that, than they could go home and cry about it because he wasn't about to let someone else's opinions dictate his relationship with Meili.

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