
Angel Eyes


07-01-2013, 04:16 PM

The heat was leaving the rest of his body, concentrating on a single area, the one area that defined him as man. The area now that was begging him to take Song, to have her body. He didn't know where this sudden wanting was coming from, he'd never felt such a thing in his life, but it was a rather welcomed, albeit confusing, feeling. He didn't know how to describe it except for unparalleled want for Song, for her body. He wanted to love her, to feel her, to please her. He wanted everything that had to with her. He wanted them to become one. To join himself, to surrender himself to her in the most vulnerable of ways possible. The most honest and pure token of love he could give her.

And then a gasp reached his ears, startling the obsidian brute from his gentle love nips, skull rearing back so that his mismatched gems were meeting hers once more. At first he thought he'd hurt her, but she reached up to whisper in his ear, the fear of having hurt her vanished almost instantaneously. I'm not sure I could handle your rejection my little dove because I am more than ready to start our family. He whispered into her neck, burying his muzzle within her beautiful ivory fur, inhaling her intoxicating, sweet scent.

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