
All Around Me



07-01-2013, 04:16 PM
ooc;; Killian to the rescue!

Only a few days ago, Killian had been near this area with a girl who was now an important friend to him, or if he was being honest with himself, maybe a little more than that. Whatever she was, he felt that he couldn't simply go days without seeing or speaking to her. Beside, he had important news. In the time that they had been apart, he had not only grown attached to the creature perched on his shoulder, but he had also met a female who had provided him with an interesting offer that he intended to accept.

Vahva's idea had been to intriguing to ignore. A new pack, one he could help build and mold in a way he wanted it to be. Perhaps the vessel for his revenge? The black and blue female had asked him to help her recruit and he had readily agreed. He couldn't turn down such a momentous offer, and he already knew the wolf to start his work with. Surely Alessa would show some interest in a new pack?

The navigator had carefully tracked her here, to the frozen lake, intent on telling her his plan as soon as possible. As they neared the lake, Smee leapt gracefully from the back of the brute to run ahead, sensing something his master had not. He recognized the girl immediately, watched as the tiny black wolf went after her face again and again, and finally got the upperhand on her. Making sure his master had noticed, Smee ran around to distract the nuisance while Killian judged the speed he would be able to manage on the ice.

He hoped his companion would be able to move a little quicker with his light weight as he ran out toward the smaller male, hoping to catch him off guard and knock him down. A wicked snarl escaped his maw as he closed in on the pair. He wouldn't be letting anyone harm Alessa - not today, not ever.

thank you wolfie!