
If we know what's good for me



3 Years
08-14-2017, 05:27 PM

Hirondelle watched with piqued interest as the spotted woman responded to her flirtations, a crooked smile affixing to her face as the woman looked down. Dell preferred to think it was either embarrassment or feeling flattered that drove that reaction and as Heather laughed she felt her insides tingle as if a million little bubbles were breaking against her chest and stomach. She laughed as Heather returned a compliment, her brows raising. If she hadn't been doing her best to avoid the edge of the rock Dell would have draped herself languidly along it's edge and swapped further admiration but as it stood she was very much concerned with getting down, further flirting would have to wait.

Luckily it seemed the woman was as helpful as she was complimentary, though Dell had to admit she wasn't too fond of this option. She inched ever so slightly closer to the edge of the stone, feeling her stomach flipping as she watched the woman press against the rock. She hovered a paw over the open air and the world spun. She screwed her eyes shut; a whine escaping from her throat. She imagined flinging herself out into all that open space and missing; she'd be a Hirondelle shaped splatter on the ground.

Fortunately she'd be saved from finding the truth of that idea as another voice broke her panicked dreaming. As the two women had spoken another wolf had approached the pair and Dell snapped her eyes open, panic set in and she once more scrambled back from the ledge, feeling her stomach doing flips and in her rush she tripped over her own paws, landing in an ungraceful sitting position, safely in the center of her perch.

Her violet gaze scanned the surrounding area landing on a male and she silently cursed her luck. That whole embarrassing herself in front of attractive stranger thing? Apparently she was doomed to doing that a second time today!

Hirondelle was more than happy to stay where she was as she watched the black marked male make his way up to her. "Good of you to make it." She teased lightly though her tone was shaky. His words were soft spoken in a calming tone and she found her shakiness dissipate some. His plan made sense, though she wasn't really sure she liked it anymore than the first plan. She could just live up here from now on, she could get friendly passerbys to bring her food and she'd drink rain water that collected on the stone's surface!

Dell swallowed the lump in her throat and meeting the unknown male's sunset gaze she nodded.


[Image: 2lvy346.png]