
[Gabe] Dont put your blame on me

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
08-14-2017, 08:29 PM


There was danger in his words. Samael was becoming angry, regardless of whether he denied it or not. "You don't know rage, Gabby." In this tone, it was a perversion of the jovial cries of a child from days gone by. "My rage has long since passed, brother, this is merely truth. The truth you and your kin deny. You hurt me, not Abba, not my own choice to love equally, but you and your kin's decisions not to see truth."

The herald said nothing. He let his fallen brother speak, because it was what he deserved. No one had deigned to hear Samael, especially not their Father. The boy sighed deeply, heavily. A pang in his chest tried at Gabriel's restraint. He wanted to draw his brother to his chest, like when he was just a pup. Hold him close and bathe him in love. Samael had Fallen, and thus Gabriel must avoid such things. "Do you even see what you are losing? The family you have lost out on because you blindly follow what your told by a man who would destroy the very innocence you are supposed to protect? The wrongs you commit for his higher purpose? What about my children screaming and crying as he condemned them and murdered their mothers, and maimed me seemed like a gods work to you?" Each question was spoken quieter than the last, the rolling thunder of his voice boomed in his sensitive ears. Finally, he was barely whispering. Only the herald might have heard what he said.

Tears welled in Gabriel's eyes, stinging as much as his brother's words. He was the weak link, Samael knew this. His tirade would never have worked on Michael, who was steadfast in his beliefs. Michael would not have let their Fallen sibling get this far- he would have torn open his throat without thinking. Gabriel was the mama bear, the one who cleaned them up and told them stories until they slept. He very much remembered how the pups had wailed, and the stink of fear in the air. The cacophony of sound and smells, the constant movement all around had driven the male mad. He'd holed up in the den for days afterwards.

"I'm not the one that sinned, I'm not the one who needs saving. You and your brothers are." Samael spoke in a voice that was hardly more than a breath. Gabriel heard, nonetheless. He looked away, turning his head to his shoulder. This manipulation was simply to try and drive Gabriel away from the path of righteousness, nothing more. "I remember that day." He said, soft as a breeze. He lifted his head, shining eyes staring at nothing. "I remember the taste of your blood and the sound of your children screaming. I remember how you struggled. I remember thinking of when you first came to us. How small and rambunctious you had been, how dearly I loved you. Every day I regret my actions, but that does not excuse me." He said, louder this time. There was no apologising for what he had done.

"You'll have to excuse me for not trying to tear you open, as you can see I'm far from fit for the task." He drawled, and turned away. Gabriel didn't want to taste Samael's blood again, now or ever. He would wash the boy's scent from him after this, and never speak of it to the family. A few steps towards where he believed the exit to be. Faintly, he could hear wind whipping through the trees outside. It was best to go, he didn't want to be here anymore. He didn't want to do this, didn't want to deal with the past. Everything was coming back again, he was genuinely glad he couldn't see. Had he been able to see the screaming faces of those tiny babes, he may have gone mad. This was not what he was meant for, and Father had known that. Still, he had called Gabriel to him. Now, the herald must suffer the memories forever.
