
Of sinners and saints [open]



3 Years
08-14-2017, 08:43 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2017, 04:17 PM by Hirondelle.)

OC Name: Lolaf
Name: Mammon Avarice Morningstar (Ava)
[Image: aYHQDCI.png]
Apearance: While not as giant as her father Ava is still rather tall, looming 36" inches tall. She is slim, almost ethereally so; her edges are angular and sharp giving her an almost fragile look. Long angular limbs are propelled forwards by lithe well hidden muscles. She is a giant china doll, though not nearly as breakable as she may look.

Ava is mostly cloaked in shadow, her coat is coal black broken only by brilliant white. These bright spots are on her middle toes on her right back paw, the tips and back of her ears, the tip of her tail running up half it's length, in a almost heart shaped mask around her eyes that runs down her muzzle to her nose and along her back and curving back across her shoulders in a v shape.

Perhaps most visually stunning is her pair of icy bright blue eyes, they gleam with intelligence and calculated malice.


Perhaps unsurprisingly Ava's most defining trait is her greed, though she actively seeks out material possessions the thing she craves the most is carnal pleasure. The viper gives little care for who or when or how she simply lusts after the act. It should be unsurprising then that she refuses to be tied down, she will float from lover to lover with no real attachment involved... except for one notable exception. 

Though she expresses attraction and may even feign affection for others there is only one wolf who can claim her. Her dear brother Leviathan. Though she holds some fondness for her other siblings and father. 

Ava can be exactly what another wants, she wears many masks and can easily slip between them as she sees fit. One minute she can be kind and friendly, the other a suave enchantress, then a dominating force who brooks no argument. 

There is only one emotion that can tear down her masks, Ava is a spirit of vengeance. She doesn't take kindly to threats to herself of her family and can be irritated by even the slightest insult. Her anger is deep and consuming and she can demand recompense for even the smallest slight. 

Beneath it all Ava is a very broken individual, she mourns for her mother's death at every moment and simply wishes for her family to be allowed peace. She is dependent on her brother, her dear Levi, and she believes that without him she is worthless and might just deserve the death her extended family craves of her. 

Role Play Sample:
The dame curled deep into her brother's side, a rare moment of a genuine smile played across her lips. Slowly she began the process of getting up, her stretching was slow and exaggerated, she rolled her head and then lifted lids. Levi was still snoring beside her and Ava slowly extracted herself from his side.

She circled his prone form and gently nosed at his ear. "I'll be back with a present soon, lover." She purred. Then she moved through the forest, angular limbs pushing her forwards with a deep ferocity. She would get her brother a hare or some other such small snack, that was her plan.

Still her mind set to wander and she fantasied about stumbling upon her dear uncles. She imagined seeing them start and stutter upon finding not only was she alive and well that she had flourished. She imagined the look of surprise upon their face as she charged towards them, fang barred. She imagined the sweetness of their blood as she pulled their throats apart, feasting upon their trachea. Oh how truly beautiful that moment would be.

But there would be no fratricide this morning, only the quick execution of a rabbit that now dangled from the viper's jaw. Hurried paw steps would propel her back to her lover's side. Where she dropped the tasty snack before his still snoozing form. Ava herself set to grooming, in preparation for her brother's awakening. Surely he would be pleased.
[Image: 2lvy346.png]