
Of sinners and saints [open]


08-14-2017, 10:10 PM
OC Name: Chrono
Name: Leviathan "Levi" Morningstar

Apearance: Leviathan is a large wolf who stands at 36 inches and weighs 155 pounds. He is built mostly of muscle and can be menacing just by looking at him. 

Levi is mostly a base of white with some bits ebony littered across his pelt. Half of his tail is black, two of his toes on his back right paw, the tips of his ears, and a V shaped line of fur that splits in the middle of his spine and down his sides. He also has a dark mask that goes around his eyes and down the bridge of his nose. Levi's eyes are a dark blood red that easily scare his victims off.

Levi Stand tall and strong against everyone. He doesn't back down or look weak in any way. He works hard to make himself look bigger and badder than anyone else. He is often grinning but in no way a warming grin. He spawned  from evil itself and nothing about his demeanor will give you a false impression.
Levi doesn't care who you are or where you came from and why you're here. Get the hell out of his way or he'll make you. He steals from others, knocks down the weak, and spits in their face. He's not here to make friends.

Hot Headed
It doesn't take much to piss this brute off. A simple look the wrong way and he'll be after you and in your face. Those who know him know to watch what they say unless they wish to spar, he's not gentle with his  family either.

Levi wants a list of women that he's had under his sheets. He is a charmer but also won't hesitate to push a fae into it without permission. He only holds one true love and this is his sister, Mammon, who he calls Ava.

Levi listens to no one. The only one who has a slight chance to change his mind is Ava. He may seem angry and resilient to the matter at first, but he will usually give some thought to what she says to him and may or may not listen.

Levi can be abusive in more than one way. He screams and hollers at others often but can definitely lash out and draw blood. He has no fear of scars or maims. In fact, they are like trophies to him. He expects women to bow at his paws and men to run in the other direction. Who's here to be his slave today?

Role Play Sample:

An angered man stomped around pacing, eyes refusing to look at his dame. Ears pinned and eyes narrowed as a fire grew in his belly. Why did she have to be so emotional so weak. "Why does it matter?" He grunted under his breath, chin snapped in her direction with piercing eyes, "Mom is dead. DEAD! She's not coming back. EVER!" His voice coming up and down as he hollered at her, not giving a crap about how she felt. He knew how much sorrow she felt towards their mother's death, but he didn't feel the same. Maybe deep, deep down if he really thought about it, he cared. But he never wanted anyone to see him in a weakness. Ava was here now, and his mother didn't matter.

He huffed and hissed, then realizing how harsh he was getting and to see Ava with her own distraught and angry expressions. Raising his neck he looked down on her with a hard, but a more gentle tone, "Come, Ava. I'm sorry." Words that only she would hear, but very often from him. "Let me make it up to you." Whether it was a hunt or a night for her pleasure, he would obey. His heart belonged to her and he would do anything to make her happy.

Walk "Levi" "Ava" Think