
Don't Fake This


07-01-2013, 04:37 PM

She nodded in agreement. Talk of the wedding brought Epiphron to her thoughts. She hoped she was doing well, enjoying herself in her new home. A smile once more graced his features before he rose to his paws, suggesting that she choose. She thought for a moment, but the area was so new to her that she wasn't sure what was even around. With spring returning, surely there would be more prey returning, but what animals lived in this part of the land. Nostrils flared, ears twitched. She let instinct take over, widening her sense to what surrounded them. She wasn't accustom to deciding on what another would eat. "Whatever we find I suppose." Claws flexed against the earth eagerly. She enjoyed the rush of adrenaline during a hunt, the rush of wind against her fur. And she was hungry, the thought of food made her mouth water. She waited for Pontifex to head off, not sure which direction to go in, he had been scouting the surrounding areas after all, he must have a better idea than her, right?

Letting her instincts swarm her, she let her thoughts drift. She didn't usually find herself in male company, keeping to herself since before she had joined Valhalla. And even before that. Memories of her family still haunted her dreams nearly every night, never letting her forget the tragedy that she experienced. Since then she had put up walls, protecting herself from the pains of the world. It was such a cruel place. Memories made her paws burns, her scar itch, causing her shift to weight from paw to paw. Trying to calm her thoughts, two toned gems settled on the charcoal brute, attempting to tame that chaos that wrecked havoc in her head. Oh how she wished she could forget. Forget the cries that plagued her mind, for the pain as flamed licked her heels, the pain of the jagged rock cutting her chest open. She put an end to it there. She shook her pelt, freeing herself of any debris that maybe lingering, freeing herself of her thoughts as well.

"speech" thought