
[Gabe] Dont put your blame on me

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
08-16-2017, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2017, 09:52 PM by Gabriel I.)


Samael moved as silently as a man of his bulk could. That was, not quietly at all. Rhythmic footfalls grew closer, and the brush of thick fur near his nose stopped him. Samael blocked his path to freedom. The golden male paused, gaze vacantly fixed on something over his brothers shoulder. The cool brush of his brothers leathery nose against his own, soft breath rushing over alabaster marked snout. He remembered Michael telling him that Samael was a strange boy, when he first emerged from the den- that his skin was abnormally coloured and his eyes like fire. Hell fire, as they now knew. Gabriel could feel the pull of his brothers lips, brushing against his long whiskers.

"You remember when I was but a babe? How I would tell you what I saw..." Gabriel did remember this. Some days, the herald viewed it as pity. A lack of sight was a burden, upon himself and his siblings. Samael spoke softly, knowing Gabriel could hear him. "The cave, its large, brilliantly lit by blues. The mushrooms that grow here are large, bioluminescent and make the place beautiful. Its breathtaking. A place you could bring your female or male friend." Steel tendons would tighten, each limb pulled stiff. He had tried to be so careful. When Father had offered women, he had been polite and respectful. Just as he was taught. "A place for lovers to come to make love."

"Luci-" A mockery of an endearment, the name of a fallen brother. He was afraid. Unusually hued nose would press against his cheek, grounding him within reality. He didn't want to be in reality. The knowledge of how easily Samael could bring his world crashing down, destroy all he had worked so hard for, shook him. The herald was completely at his mercy, where anything could happen. Nearly as quickly, the soft and gentle croon of his brothers voice returned. "You could be free of the fear to have a family you know. I'm well aware of your preferences Gabby. They align so well with my own and my children's own. Think about it Gabriel." He didn't want to. Of all things, the herald did not want to Fall. The family was all he had, and he couldn't be away from them.

Promises, promises. They fell like rose petals from his tongue. Lies were always the sweetest to hear."You can stay, see your nieces and nephews, love who you want. I don't play god, I'm not keeping tabs on each of my followers like Abba does. You don't have to be afraid to call me by name, Samael, it rolls off the tongue sweetly.... Think about it Gabby." Sightless gaze would fall shut, squeeze tightly. This was too much to hear, he didn't want to hear it. The sound of Samael's voice drowned out all else, the sound of the wind outside was inaudible. A long, shuddering breath would rush between his lips. One step, two, backing up. Away from his brother. The Fallen One, betrayer. It should have been a cue, for Samael to shut his mouth. He didn't take the cue. "I don't blame you. In fact I forgave my brothers long ago... if anyone is to blame it's Abba and myself. I put you in a hard spot because I couldn't break either of their hearts." Why was he saying all of this now?

"Just like I can't break yours." Father give him strength. What did any of this mean? What was he to take from all of this? Teeth closed over his ear, tender and affectionate. His eyes snapped open. Sea foam glinting in the dim blue. "No!" He barked, raising his head high. Chin jutting out, a false show of confidence. Golden banner would arch over his hips, asserting himself over the much larger form of Samael. He hoped he was at least looking somewhere in the vicinity of Samael's face. A moment of pause. It was too much all at once. He shook out his ruff again. "I think it best that I leave." He announced, skirting around where his brother stood. Navigation by his whiskers was spotty, but he was good at it by now. The brush of his brothers hot fur against his shoulder and flank passed, and he was not stopped again. He felt pebbles beneath his feet. A moment's hesitation, a glance spared over his shoulder. "Goodbye, Lucifer." He grunted, and hurried up the incline.

-exit Gabriel-
