
Angel Eyes



07-01-2013, 04:56 PM

Song's realization of what her body wanted helped her tremendously, she had no experience in the art of making children, but it seemed like Cherokee knew what he was doing. At least it felt like it considering his tantalizing nips. Though she was sure he had never touched another she wolf. Instinct was a powerful thing, as she was learning. She didn't have to know how, her body already did and it would do all of the work for her. Her heart beat faster as she gave in to her new craving, she was ready to complete the final step of their marriage. She could think of nothing else but becoming one with her new husband.
HIs head was buried into her neck, his sweet touch rekindling the bright flame that settled underneath her skin. She let a soft sigh escape her lips as she enjoyed the arousing feelings. Her tongue ran over the soft fur that covered his attractive neck, her desire for him only growing stronger. She was ready to give in to him, to let him have every inch of her. Song was ready to give him her total submission, the final vow of trust. "Then take me, my ebony Knight. All of what I am is yours." Her lyrical voice was whispered softly into his ear.
She pulled away from him ever so slightly, her eyelids half closed in bliss. She silently hoped Cherokee knew more about what he was doing than she did. She followed what her instincts told her to do, moving out in front of him. Her tail was raised and became a banner over her back, revealing the origin of her fire. A smile befell her lips as intuition told her to keep away from Cherokee, at least for now. The ritual included a chase, and around the meadow they would go. "Come and get me, dearest love." She called to him as her paws moved her away. Skipping along the flowers she enticed her coal colored mate to give chase.
