
Deadly Beauty


08-17-2017, 02:18 PM

The male was on his early morning trot, always trying to find a different route and see different sights. He didn't live anywhere really, under the stars and wherever his paws laid down that night. But he came across many places more than once, just not here.

He would slow to a walk and soon a stop, taking a break with heavy breaths looking to a dark cavern to his right. Only staring for a while, his nose would eventually catch a hint of a something strange. Something he had never smelled before. His breathing had soon settled and his curiosity had the best of him.

Walking inside, he was leary. Darkness surrounded him and he halted often, sides of the cave punching his shoulders or hips every now and then. He thought of turning back; surely whatever caught his attention was not worth all this stumbling and bruises. But just as he was giving up hope, he saw the glow in the back of the cavern. 

Hustling to light he came apon the radiating mushrooms, amazed that such things existed. He looked down on them for a long while, just mesmerized by the beauty.

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