
'cause i'm stuttering



7 Years
Extra large

08-17-2017, 06:13 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2017, 06:13 PM by Lark.)
Lark was stunned. Absolutely, completely stunned. Any words that he wanted to say - and he had more than he could even grasp right now - seemed to stick in his throat, which suddenly felt quite dry. He wondered if Sparrow would be up for the responsibility of running Abaven, and he wasn't quite sure what would happen if she wasn't. Quite a few wolves had already expressed interest in leaving the pack, and Lark could only hope that with Sparrow wanting to rule that they might give their departure a second thought.

It was strange now that he'd rejected the offer to rule Abaven a second time. Well, the first time just merely been his father talking to him, not necessarily a true offer. If anyone had asked him when he was younger, he'd been certain that following in his father's pawsteps would be his future. He'd always imagined being groomed to rule, but now he wanted to do anything but.

A frown painted his features as he pulled away from the meeting, hardly even able to glance at Lillie. Would she be disappointed in him for not stepping up to the plate? What would she want to do now? His mind briefly went back to the thought thing between her and his sister, something he'd hoped that Bass would help them resolve, but he'd left before Lark could figure out what the hell was going on.

A heavy sigh fell from his lips as he moved across the plains, away from the gathering, not wanting to see who decided to leave and who would stay. It was all too hard to think about; he only hoped Sparrow would make the right decision now.