
We Will Meet Again


07-01-2013, 05:18 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:21 AM by Gael.)

The smile that broke across her lips made his heart leap into his throat, an answering smile curling his own earthen toned lips. Her mood was infectious. If she was happy, he was happy. If she was sad, he was sad. How funny that she was able to affect his mood so easily. Warriors shouldn't be so easily influenced, and yet Gael didn't care. He wasn't a warrior yet. There would be plenty of time later on when he actually became one to practice locking his emotions away. He could do it; he'd done it plenty of times before. But right now, he didn't want to. Meili was so open and honest with him that he couldn't help but return the favor. He didn't want to hide how she made him feel. He wanted her to know just how much she affected him. He wasn't ashamed of his feelings in any way.

And then she was talking, breaking their comfortable silence, the breaths of her words brushing against the fur on his shoulder, making shivers run down his spine. What did he plan to do later in life? Well I would like to train to be warrior, just like my father. I want to be able to protect my pack, my family and my friends. He paused, cerulean gems meeting her teal ones, holding a meaningful look that he was sure she wouldn't miss. But other than that I'm not really sure. I haven't really looked past that. I guess I'm just going with flow right now. See what life decides to throw at me. A playful smile curled his jaws as he winked at her, knowing that the meaning of his last few words wouldn't be lost on her. So far, life was being pretty good to him.

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