
Good day for death to strike



07-01-2013, 05:26 PM


When his cousin charged the villain, the last thing Cross intended to do was run. There was no thought in his mind other than to protect his own. Like Kairos, he was too naive to recognize the full stupidity of his actions. His paws scrambling in the snow, he tried to make a leap to the other side of the big white male, hoping to distract him from his 'brudder'. But before he even got there, the villain swore and ripped Kairos from his shoulder. Stunned and torn, Cross slid to another stop and stared at the black form of the other pup. He made a sitting duck where he was, but luckily it was then that Awaken came crashing to the rescue.

Cross saw everything. Heard everything.

His bring green eyes shone with a blank, waxy glow as he watched the Glaciem brave rip into the villain - every scream, every growl, every word. He knew nothing of what it all meant, but it was heavy enough to imprint on his little mind. When looking back later, Cross would forever peg this day, as that day. The day the world turned inside out. The day he changed.

But it was over as quickly as it had begun. Extremes had met and exploded and now the survivors were left to clean up the mess of the aftermath. All Cross saw were two dead bodies in the snow - and, and maybe a third! He rushed over to Kairos. The white pup's mouth didn't seem to want to work, but he could press his coal black nose into his 'brother's' fur. He could try to help him up. He just wanted to make sure Kairos was still breathing. Still okay.

"Sit with her please. Tell her how brave she was." Despite how sweet the voice, the words grated like metal in Cross's mind. What-what was he supposed to do? What had he just seen? The truth was, he needed consoling too. But, with a clamped mouth and glazed eyes he picked his slow, plodding way over to the bloodstained body of his babysitter.

Was she even breathing? He'd tried to keep his eyes away from all the gore and wounds. He didn't want to look at it! He knew that he'd have nightmares enough as it was. But he couldn't help himself. His mind was trying so hard to detach him from all of it, that a morbid curiosity was entering in. He looked at the torn, hanging bits of flesh, and rivlets of blood, the pulsing crimson tissue how open to the frozen air. And he saw all of it amid the chaos of bodies rushing frantically, trying to figure out what to do next.

Words still wouldn't - couldn't - come, so Cross just curled up in a shivering ball by Ithurial's head and pressed his nose into her fur.
