
Angel Eyes


07-01-2013, 05:36 PM

He was still completely clueless as to what was going on with his new wife, much less what was going on with him, but he wasn't about to stop to question it. Instinct was guiding him right now and he allowed the reins to fall away. He was in control, but he needed the guidance of his instinct. He had never been with a woman before and a part of him was nervous. What if he messed up? What if he couldn't please her right? The nerves began to set in as the questions swirled around in his head. This was going to be the final step to seal their marriage; the consummation. He was going to prove to Song that he loved her by giving himself to her in the most sentimental and meaningful way possible. He would love her like he had never loved a woman before and like he would never love another woman ever again.

He could feel her body respond to his gentle touch, igniting the flame that had been sparked inside of him. He could feel it pulsing, burning hotter and hotter with each moment, needing to be attended to, to be quenched. And the only one who could quench it was his little dove. She would be the only woman he would ever want for the rest of the days; no one would be able to change that. Ever. Her breathy whisper of a voice sent lustful shivers down his spine, mismatched gems alighting with this inner inferno. I give myself to you in return my beautiful little angel, to have me for the rest of your days, until the end of eternity. Came his sensual whisper against her own ear, watching as she pulled away from, igniting a protest that hurled itself across his body. She couldn't leave him!

He didn't voice his protest, simply watched in silence as she moved away from him, tantalizing as her banner flipped up against her lips, exposing the cure to his burning inferno. God, how he wanted her. Whatever instinct was driving her was telling her to tease him, to tantalize him, to keep him wanting her, to keep on his toes. And the instinct driving him was screaming at him to go after, to fall into her chase, to claim her completely. You needn't tell me twice sweet one. He called after her, obsidian limbs stirring into actions as he moved after her, ivory jade and steel shaded gems unable to dislodge themselves from her beautiful figure.

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