
There’s A Devil In The Church {Meeting}



7 Years
Dire wolf
08-21-2017, 07:19 PM

Roza was the second to arrive, his features softening as he spotted the small ball of coarse fur, one of the pups he had smelled on the female when they first met no doubt. He could have sworn he had sensed more than one on her though, and his heart clenched at the myriad of possibilities.
His attention diverted to a new voice and his eyes narrowed on the creature that seemed to regard the pack as though it were an equal. It was disquieting but he simply assumed it had been another wolf’s pet. Ley knew his brother had grown quite fond of a monkey that had been gifted to him in his birth month by an emissary of Eclya. He simply assumed that had been the case with the fox that had appeared smelling of Dragoste. Foxes after all were known liars and thieves although perhaps whoever’s familiar it was had trained such a nature out of it.

He turned his attention away from the fox to a male much older than him and who showed it well, although he had no scars to speak of himself he had always admired the way the other templars of his home boasted grand stories of the battles that had marred their appearances. He wondered if he would have grand tales of his own to tell, and he greatly looked forward to them.

Finally came a girl who was in every way imaginable odd; odd coloration, odd markings, and one particularly odd leg. He only gave her a passing glance before looking away, afraid that she might find his questioning look rude.

Ganta spoke and all at once he felt his heart sink; it was the worst he could imagine, a pup stolen not only by a rogue but by a vengeful sibling, possibly even more than one. Getting the pup back would be dangerous. His mention to be met by the rest of the pack flew completely over his head, much more focused on the very real threat to Ganta’s remaining pup and the rest of the motley pack.

“With all due respect sir.” He began, his deep voice declaring proudly. "Let me come with you to retrieve your young. Allow me to prove myself capable of defending you and the rest of Dragoste.” He spoke with his head raised high, his chest puffed out proudly as he spoke. “I will bring the word of Ley to you all once I have proven his strength through my own actions.” He said, this time addressing all of the pack as a whole, although his lilac eyes carefully avoided the fox. He had heard Ganta’s proposal to keep an eye out for another young wolf, and for a moment had had the instant reaction of bringing up Dagan as well, but with so many children already missing, he couldn’t possibly add the bastard boy’s name to the list when Yale himself had given up hope of ever finding him.

speaking you