
Derecho Wreckage



10 Years
Extra large
08-23-2017, 11:11 PM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2017, 10:09 PM by Lirika.)
-eyeing these tempts-

OOC name: Den/Denny
Name: Derecho Wreckage
Gender: Female
Design: Light build

Personality: Detached Living on the fringes, struggling with social interaction. The femme is hardly a sociopath, she simply has trouble dealing with others. Personal space is incredibly important, and those who invade her bubble tend to find themselves in a cloud of dust. Strangers can find themselves struggling to break down walls built around a painfully soft heart.
Family-oriented Those that share blood are of the utmost importance. It takes a lot to convince her to abandon them. Spending time with her mother and siblings is crucial, and she tries to keep up with their lives to the best of her ability. They have her trust in its entirety. They are, in the end, the only thing that is bound to her. Due to this, they are her soft place to fall in a hard, sharp world.
Spitfire Derecho has a lot to say, and a lot to get done. Nothing will stand in her way, and she will take shit from exactly no one. She is the captain of her own sea, and nothing is going to change that. A tongue like a whip and an attitude to match is very much the most obvious aspect of her personality. She can and will destroy another if she deems it appropriate and necessary.
Vulgar The source of this tendency towards profanity is unknown and ambiguous. Nonetheless, it is present. Crude language and cursing seem to pop up at every available moment. It definitely deters anyone from taking her for a sweet, innocent girl.
Just The wolf aims to do right by others. Everyone must get what they deserve. Whether it falls under the philosophy of "an eye for an eye", or fighting to make sure that the downtrodden are respected, she will have it done. This makes her an excellent problem-solver, and many could seek her out to solve moral dilemmas.
RP Sample: A soft yawn would aid in rousing her. Sunlight dappled her dark pelt, and the femme felt no need to get up. Golden warmth was soaking into her bones. Falling asleep in the woods wasn't the best thing at night, but in the morning it was amazing. Ruby gaze would slide open, focus falling upon blades of grass only a few inches from her nose. Licking at her lips a few times, she rolled onto her side. Stretching her hind limbs out, her toes splayed as far as they could go. Chin on her forelimbs, she sighed contentedly. Things were great, now that summer was back.

What more could she want? Food. She wanted food. A rumble in her gut demanded that she eat something. However, getting up wasn't in the cards. Birds were singing, flowers were in full bloom. Admiring all these things was far more important than paying attention to her own needs on such a nice day. A bee landed on her nose. Oh shit. She froze. Breathing cut off sharply, and she waited for the insect to sting her.

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