
We Will Meet Again


07-01-2013, 06:34 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:19 AM by Gael.)

There could have been a war breaking out across Alacritis, but right in this moment, he didn't care. Nothing that wasn't Meili, nothing that didn't have to do with her mattered to him right now. Except maybe his family. If his family happened to be in trouble in that very moment, with the heaviest heart he would have to leave the pretty woman to attend to his family. Family came first to him, although he was already considering her a part of his family, since friends were basically like family, just the extended type.

His own chuckle reverberated inside his chest as he smiled, giving a playful nip to the tip of her nose, amused at her reference to their first meeting. Oh that's right. Crashing instead of throwing. Very fun. Maybe I should try it some time. He teased unable to help the laugh that was bubbling from his earthen lips. Though she'd thought herself to look rather ridiculous tangled up in all those branches, he had actually thought her to be quite endearing. She'd looked kind of cute, all tangle and helpless, asking for his help. But she was even cuter now, pressed up against him like this. A content sigh slipped past his lips as his laughter died down.

OOC: bah post >.<

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