
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



5 Years
08-24-2017, 06:51 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2017, 10:11 PM by Shrapnel.)
ooc: Better late than never >.> Blue, if you don't understand anything feel free to pm me! It's been a while since I've done a fight post so I'm a little rusty.

The cover of night was perfect for the darker wolf. One thing nightfall guaranteed them for sure was that, for one, they'd be harder to spot and, two, they wouldn't have the sun to beat down on their faces while they fought. How far would they be able to make it into Celestial's territory before they were noticed at all? His nerves felt like they were on fire as he padded after the small raiding group. As they neared the pack border Kharn made sure to quiet his movements so they could get as far as possible into the territory before they were spotted.

It didn't take long for a female to come along and try and usher them out defensively. Muscles tightened reflexively as he waited in anticipation as she summoned her other pack mates. Fights soon broke out and Kharn stood back on edge as he scanned the upcoming Celestial wolves for an opponent. Some of the other pack's wolves threw themselves into fights willingly while he noticed a few, as well as a few Talis wolves, lingering about as though they were nervous.

Dragon's words caught his attention and a grin broke out across his maw as he nodded his head readily. "Fuck yeah, that sounds awesome!" His heart swelled with pride and excitement at the prospect of his promotion. Now this was going to be really fun. He began to tune out the others as he scanned the prospective opponents. He couldn't bring himself to worry about his sibling as he spoke with the one relative. He didn't even care that they were family and that their cousin had just been murdered not to long ago. No, he was here for a fight and to prove himself to his pack.

Finally his eyes rested on the black and white male that had sent out another call for his pack members. He was the same size as him, though perhaps a little less bulky, and overall he seemed rather nervous judging from the raised hair and the clueless expression like he didn't know what he was supposed to be doing.

Kharn's ears slipped back flat against his skull as he stalked forward to about ten feet away from the other male. Limbs spread out as he distributed his weight evenly and toes splayed out for better grip as his muscles tightened. His own fluffy fur rose as his hackles and nape bristled in anticipation and he pulled his lips into a silent snarl and let the skin bunch around narrowed eyes to protect them. His tail flagged out behind him, parallel to the ground, as he began his charge towards the male. It would be a head on collision, assuming the male didn't move, and Kharn was eager to be a part of the bloodshed.

As he charged towards the male he angled slightly towards the right by a few degrees in an attempt to jam his left shoulder into the left side of Laisren's chest in preparation to try and wind the male and cause severe bruising. At the same time his head tucked downwards so his head was level with his spine. His chin tucked in slightly towards his chest and his jaws opened as he angled his head to try and clamp his teeth deep into the fleshy part of Laisren's left leg behind the elbow where the skin connected to the rib cage. It was an early attempt to mutilate the male early on and hinder the male in the fight an effort to end the fight before it really even began.

Kharnage vs Laisren for MAIM (severing of the tendon in the front left leg) - edited this part to state which left leg he was going for since I forgot. Overseen by Tealah.
Round: 1 of 3 (agreed upon by me and Blue)
Height: 38"
Build: Heavy

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
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