
I Bring The Weather With Me



2 Years
Extra large
08-24-2017, 11:01 PM

Exploring hadn't been high on his to do list, but without Faite to track all day (and a pack to run now) he figured he could do whatever he wanted. It'd been a while since he'd actually thought about leaving the pack lands now that he was old enough and he figured he had enough time on his paws to do so. There was no one around to tell him it was a bad idea and the way he figured it was he wasn't going far anyways. Besides, he was close enough to home anyways that he'd be able to hear if anything came amiss. Lirim was a pretty peaceful pack anyways so besides a few intruders here and there they hadn't really had any problems. Most of the issues had arisen from pack members going missing.

The desert had more life to it lately than he was accustomed to. Normally it was a few green patches here and there, like Lirim's two territories, and then sand, sand, and then more sand. He noticed, upon coming to the river bed, that there seemed to be more green than usual. Bi-colored gaze traveled along the edge of the river as he stared at the water and then glanced at the green grass growing by it.

Now that he'd actually gotten out and about for once he wasn't quite sure what to do now. In hindsight he probably should have invited Kairi, but it was too late now. A soft huff escaped him as he plopped back on his haunches and looked around some. Yep, this was so fun. Nothing to do, nothing to look at, and no one to socialize with.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]