
Some real trouble



4 Years
08-24-2017, 11:07 PM
She nodded quickly to his question. Yup Faite was her mom though only recently had she started to think of Faite as her mom. Her thought train need swiftly then when he spoke of swimming somewhere and racing. Races were fun! Her mom's other kids liked to race and she did too. "Race fun!"

When he counted down she was quick to take off on three. Though she figured three meant go not that it was a number. The language still tripped her up a little. She stretched her legs in a ground eating run. She was smaller so she's have to go much faster than him to beat him but at least she could pass him up now before he started running too fast. Her tail was up and out in a diagonal angle from her body to help balance her and help with quick direction changes. The swimming part would be easy. She swam alot in the pond at the willows normally. She let out a giggle. She of course didn't know where they were going so she fought to stay by his side instead of ahead of him.

As they reached the ocean though she could see the island ahead and didn't think twice. Her body leaped and she took the plunge quickly. Her paws and legs worked hard fighting the current to get to the island. Her fur was soaked in salt water.

As she emerged she was panting. She stopped and shook out her fur before falling onto her stomach on the shore. It was super tiring to swim so far. And the air was chilling now. She was shivering and wet. She looked to Ariet then to see if he was just as tired.

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.