
I'll Tell You What



5 Years
Extra large
08-25-2017, 01:03 PM

She'd gotten no where in her musings, only managing to let it further sink in how tired and restless she was. Letting out a long sigh, Razi was playing with the idea of setting off to wander further since this particular space had little to offer past a nice view of the stars above - suddenly paws making their way closer interrupted that line of thought and renewed her interest in her immediate surroundings. Golden gaze settled over the slim frame of a stranger. No, this creature was more than slim, why it appeared to be on death's doorstep. Pathetic.

Her lip curled slightly as she looked down her ebony nose at the tiny male. Briefly, she wondered if he might drop dead at her paws. Studying him, there was no sympathy in her gaze, only curiosity that seemed to be only just maintained. Scoffing, she replied, "I think that's what I'm supposed to ask." This tiny mortal being looked entirely useless. He was just lucky he'd not stumbled into the likes of Amon or any of her other relatives who might be more than willing to end his life on sight. She, on the other hand, would find it far more amusing to watch such a being waste away before her eyes than die by her own fangs. Eventually she'd decide to go ahead and roll with the whole introductions crap, may as well since she wasn't getting any rest any time soon. Standing and stretching so she could loosen tense muscles and more effectively rise to her full height, Razi added, "I am Razi Abraxas, and who might you be?"

"Talk" "You" Think