
Now This Looks Like a Job For Me



4 Years
08-25-2017, 01:48 PM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2017, 12:32 PM by Tyranis.)
Now that things are a bit more in order and things are more fleshed out I'm making yet anoher plotting thread because I can't edit the old one


-Brief Summary-

Ruthgar speaks with a heavy Scottish accent that at times can be difficlt to understand, as a result he prefers to talk as little as possible. He's very self concious about his apperance and his accent but internalizes most of his self-criticisms, and often believes people are judging him immediately. He's still recovering from being abandoned by his pregnant wife and losing an alpha that he greatly believed in, however at the moment he has shared these details with no one. He has recently impregnated Mara and she has recently given birth to his pups, he is fiecely protective of them and to an extent, of Mara as well.  

-Living Conditions-

Currently living in The Orchard with Mara, Feli, and his three sons

-Looking For-

Old members of Crew to admire his babies, friends he can cause mischief with, and possibly romance.



-Brief Summary-

Rogdar is one of Ruthgar's three sons and very hyperactive. He loves to show off and has an ego visible from space.

-Living Conditions-

Currently living in The Orchard with Mara, Feli,his siblings and his father

-Looking For-

Possible future love interests or childhood friends, people who will tell him either how dumb he is or how impressive he is, playmates relatively close to his age.



-Brief Summary-

Tyranis is now an adolecent and with Bass gone and Abaven's leadership in tentative hands his ambitions are slowly beginning to consume him. He would do anything to be the leader of Abaven but with Sparrow standing in his way there's no telling what he'll do. Currently, he greatly believes that the weak should fear the strong and as a result wants to become stronger himself. Unbeknownst to him he is Elias Praetor's son, he is aware however that he was a product of rape.

-Living Conditions-

Currently living in Abaven

-Looking For-
Wolves his own age he can connect to and make friends with and of course wolves who will support him rising to the role of leader in Abaven, and sparring partners/mentors. Possibly Praetor relatives



-Brief Summary-

Yale with his troubled past and staunch religeon, has settled down in Dragoste where he plans to loyaly serve Ganta as a warrior. He plans to move on from being banished from his home and has assumed that Dagan- the boy who has been the root cause of the sudden upheavel in his life- is dead and as a result is slowly being consumed by guilt. He outright refuses to talk about Dagan and any question to his past may only result in anger on his part

-Living Conditions-

Currently living in Dragoste

-Looking For-
Romance and sparring partners- Currently tasked with hunting down Rikeros

More to be added as they develop



-Brief Summary-

Spider is...Just a bit off. He's incredibly submissive and shy to the point that he stutters when he speaks and fidgets constantly. His mind is turbulent and filled with the voices of his past who only serve to torment him and point out his numerous flaws and shortcomings. He has recently reunited with his companion Echo a laughing kookaburra who is slowly working to bring him out of his shell and help him improve himself. Spider has recently come to terms with his homosexuality and that unlike the land he had grown up in, the wolves of Boreas and Auster are more accepting

-Living Conditions-

Currently separated from Shiloh, wandering aimlessly

-Looking For-
Romance, possibly a pack to join, and friends

More to be added as they develop

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  