
Just Fall


07-01-2013, 06:46 PM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2013, 07:35 PM by Gael.)

It had been nearly a year since the young Adravendi had seen his parents. He could still remember his father, the towering gray man with a piercing golden gaze and his mother, the tiny ivory woman with the pretty blue eyes. Back when he'd been a child, his parents had seemed like giants, the biggest wolves he had ever met, but now he was older. A full fledged yearling, almost full grown. His parents, especially his father would no longer tower over him. If anything, they would be the same height, the grey man still holding a few inches over his son. Aza had told him that they had been in Glaciem, but she hadn't been sure of when they would be returning. So it was to expected how surprised the young man was when he heard the familiar call of his father ringing out across Valhalla, summing his family to him. His father had returned!

A mixture of fear and excitement rushed through his veins as his ivory tipped paws carried him towards his father, cerulean gems searching for the familiar grey figure of the man whom he called his father. Would his father be happy to see him after his prolonged absence or would he hold a grudge against him? Collision's figure came into view, causing Gael to slow his pace, apprehension tightening the muscles across his silver hued body. Father. He called out uncertainly, cerulean gaze meeting gold one, audits flattening against his skull as he bowed towards his father, body posture submissive as he waited to see what his father would have to say to him.

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