


07-01-2013, 07:07 PM

The beast was attempting to go for the naked flesh he had just attacked, face and body pushing forward with Jupiter's to keep as little damage done to his face as he could. Flesh continued to rip with her fangs digging into his face, but the only serious damage done was blood and gashes in his scarred flesh. She hadn't punctured all the way through his cheek, but the bleeding was increasing. But to his surprise she released his face and pushed herself forward with all her might, but due to him already pushing forward, she only jerked him back a foot or so from the sudden weight thrown at him. Luckily, it did not throw off his attack or balance, due to his evenly distributed posture. Legs were evenly distributed, his tail at the time was level with his spine, his ears were pinned back, and his eyes were silted to protect his sight. His defenses remained up, and as his teeth sunk into his target he violently ripped back, taking a nice chunk of flesh from her body just behind her right shoulder. The yelp that ripped from her throat made his lips curl into a devilish smile, but he kept his teeth bared, ready for her and hi next attack. "Scream for me bitch! I want to hear you scream!" Her blood dripped from his exposed fangs, he loved that taste, it was inciting to his senses. It turned him on more than anything else in the world. His right eye twitched as he licked the blood quickly away, the chunk he had ripped away had already been swallowed and disposed of. She was still pushing forward, but now she was pushing more on his front two legs. Everything he had just done happened in a matter of seconds, and so had her sudden movements. It was difficult to keep up with, but he stood his ground while he could.

This was when his leg was brought forward to kick back, but with Jupiter pushing forward, it was hard for him to keep his balance, especially with one leg off the ground. His tail tucked beneath his belly, his claws dug into the earth as he tried to keep his balance as she continued to push him back. A vicious snarl bubbled from his throat as he felt something latch onto his leg, and by this time he had kicked back, sending the attacker sky high. Well, he assumed, since he vaigly heard a plop in the snow somewhere off in the distance. For a split second he felt nothing, but as Jupiter pushed forward, and his back left leg came back down to touch the earth, he felt the excruciating pain, and it instantly buckled from the ripped tendon. His leg was done, and it would be for the rest of his life. Nothing would stop the bubbling snarl that ripped from his throat due to the horrid pain. He had never felt pain like this in his entire life, not even the burns on his face and body from the fire had damaged him this bad. He felt like his entire body was scorching, and the worst part was, with Jupiter pushing forward, and that back leg buckling, there was no avoiding the kings fall to the earth. "I'll fuck your dead body cunt!" Nothing could mask the raging fury he felt inside. He had just received a possible death blow, and he wasn't about to go down like a little bitch. No, he would fight until his last breath.

As he felt his weight start to fall back he leaned toward the right, putting his weight on the side with a back leg that actually worked. That way when he did go completely down, he wouldn't land directly on his back, but on his right side, where he could still have a fighting chance. Within the same seconds of him losing his balance and starting to go down, the lord splayed his jaws open again, and made an attempt at grabbing the left side of Jupiter's throat, but if that didn't succeed he was also aiming for the crease between her neck and shoulder, over all intending to grab her as he falls toward his right and drag her down with him. With her forward movement he hoped to use her momentum to his advantage, causing her to practically fall into his splayed open jaws. If he were to succeed, he would hold on this time, even if he did get a hold of a thin layer of skin. He would not rip his head away, but instead grab a hold of Jupiter, and keep his hold. Of course, while he started to go down toward his right, his left front leg rose off the ground due to his destroyed balance. He used this to his advantage and swung his left paw toward the right side of Jupiter's neck and shoulder. He was attempting to reach out his left paw and grab the right side of her shoulder and neck area, which would over all assist him in pulling her closer to his bite, and also help him drag her down with him. Of course, he could also possibly dig his claws into the wound he has just inflicted, since he is aiming to grab onto the same area of her shoulder and neck he had just removed a chunk of flesh from. His defenses remained the same, his ears remained pinned, his jaws were splayed open, his eyes were still narrowed to slits, his tail was still tucked to protect it, and his weight was shifted toward his right to keep it off his injured leg.



Attacks: Attempting to grab either the left side of her throat, or the crease between her neck and shoulder(same place as last time) and drag her down with him as he goes down toward the right due to his buckling leg. This time he intends on keeping a hold on whatever he grabs, even if it is a thin layer of flesh. While he goes down, his left paw rises from the earth (since he is falling over on his right) and he attempts to hook it around her right shoulder / neck, which would over all assist him in pulling her closer to his bite, cadging her, and assist in dragging her down with him. He could also possibly dig his claws into the wound he has just inflicted while grabbing her, since he is aiming to grab onto the same area/side of her shoulder/neck.

Defenses: His defenses remained the same, his ears remained pinned, his jaws are splayed open, his eyes are still narrowed to slits, his tails still tucked to protect it, and his weight is shifted toward his right, keeping it off his injured back left leg, and also making it so he begins to fall over onto his side, instead of straight onto his back. His claws are hooked to assist him in trying to grab onto the right side of Jupiter's neck/shoulder.

Damage: Tearing on the right side of his face is worse, bleeding is a bit heavier than before. His back left leg is completely out due to Mercury's attack, which was ripping his Achilles tendon. He will never be able to use this leg again, and when he puts any weight on it, it instantly buckles from the pain and ripped tendon.

OOC: Only two rounds left 8D
