

Medusa i


5 Years
07-01-2013, 07:20 PM

She had waited long enough to call the meeting, long enough for her wounds to start healing, long enough for her thoughts to organize themselves. The serpent knew not what she was supposed to do with a pack; she was used to being the shadow on the wall, the dust in a corner, the tiniest detail in a pack that held a rather heavy influence through manipulation. Now, however, she found herself in a position to rule. She did not fear it, did not cower with uncertainty as she strode into Amenti. Rather, the serpent oozed grace and confidence. She was not arrogant in the way she arrived in her lands, but instead looked neutral. Prepared.

She arrived to the center of her lands and lifted her snout to the sky, letting out a summons for those who were listening. Any who wished to join (or re-join) the pack would be allowed, and any who wished to hear her explanation were also welcome. She knew not how this meeting would go; she could very well be faced with a group of angry former pack members. And yet, she would do her best to appease them. Medusa?s goals in taking Amenti had not been to create war in order to fight war; that would be like fighting fire with fire. She wanted to take it over to bring peace, to soothe the flames of war that burned around her beloved, to bring her dear Jupiter peace.
Such thoughts were beautiful, but were much more difficult to bring to reality. Medusa was no saint; she was a snake in the grass, an opportunist, a selfish harlot who bathed in the titles and insults thrown at her feet. On her limp to the lands she had been pensive, deciding how she might go about her business and preparing for it. She was prepared for the worst, but she was not expecting it. This meeting would not be an easy one, but perhaps her manipulative nature and silver tongue would help her out. If not, she would depart and come back with her allies, the allies that she was slowly building, the allies that would help her build a better world for the woman she loved.
OOC: All those who wish to join amenti are welcome! Previous Amenti members who want to re-join are also welcome.