
Big bad king of the sea

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
07-01-2013, 07:35 PM

The last thing that flashed before his eyes was the image of his mother, losing consciousness, her entire form growing limp. Hatred toward this Medusa woman burned in the young man's eyes, his gaze intense as he watched the scene unfold. Only briefly did he glance towards his father, watching him struggle as one of the two wolves grew closer to death. He'd have no more of this. Amenti was no longer under his mother's rule, and there was a possibility that his father's life would be over soon.

A roar left the brute's lips, and he vanished from the gathering. He wanted to go unnoticed in his departure, but his sudden burst of anger made that quite difficult.

In one moment, everything changed. He felt as though his very soul was alight, burning with passion and fury that he could hardly fathom. And so he left with as much speed and sureity he could muster, paws carrying his oversized frame away from the scene and farther south that he had ever traveled before. Still rage coursed vehemently through his veins, though he had subdued himself considerably. But the slightest sound still made his lips curl in distaste, pure ivory fangs peeking out beneath his lips, before he once again retracted back into himself, once again a boy of silence and mystery.

His steady paws carried him up the incline, slowly making the trek deeper into the unknown. The sun was nearly directly overhead now, and he wove in and out of the shadows, struggling to stay cool. Hours seemed to pass before a dull sort of fatigue began to set in, aching the boy's limbs and begging him to stop. The sun had begun to set, as well, casting its fantastic rays of red and orange over the earth. Where was his mother? Was she well? Was his father even alive? Shouldn't he be there for them? The massive youngster shook his head, as though ridding thoughts from his mind. He needed time away, didn't need to see what the aftermath of the two challenges were. It would be too much for him.

The scent of a blood grew strong in the air, causing Basilisk's ears to perk, his attention jumping about for the source of the stench. Lips curled once again, a sneer appearing on his threatening features. He felt an uncomfortable pressure in his stomach, but the last thing on his mind was eating. A low growl bubbled up from his chest, echoing through the vast expanse of wilderness before him.

"Who's there?" He demanded loudly, his voice surprisingly deep for a boy not yet a year old.