
I Must Be Dreaming



10 Years
08-27-2017, 12:58 PM
Padding through the prairie, Cae was nearly too distracted to notice how beautiful it was here. The mild temperatures and gentle rains had really given life to all kinds of plant life in these lands, not that the ivory woman was terribly concerned with the nice view. Padding over to the very shallow stream that ran through the grass, she stood with her paws in the water for a while, gaze distant. There was something she really needed to tell her... Wait, was he her mate again now? Or? Crap, this was just confusing. Flopping down onto her stomach, she let her face fall into the water and let out a groan of displeasure. This was certainly the first time in quite a few years that she'd felt so apprehensive about this topic. The first time it's been a bit of a surprise, but well received, she just had been nervous back then since she was young and uncertain. Now she was getting worked up for a host of other reasons.

No, she was going to be happy! Straightening, water dripped from her black and white skull splashing back into the stream with soft plunking sounds. Bright blue eyes flashing with determination, she lifted her muzzle to call out to Zephyr before she could get to stuck in her own head again, voice loud and sweet, requesting his presence but not too urgent. There, now she couldn't give herself to opportunity to do anything but relay the news. Sitting down in the cool water, she waited, still a little apprehensive. Pale ears flicking side to side, she waited for his approach, certain he;d be here in a minute or two - Zeph had this incredible knack for always being quite close by, sometimes suspiciously so though she never commented on it.
[Image: caelum_bottle_by_jinxx_black-dbakmat.png]