
i wonder



7 Years
Extra large
08-27-2017, 06:50 PM
It was rare that Diarmuid was truly caught by surprise. He was calculated and deliberate, never acting before careful assessment and almost always able to anticipate the correct outcome in most scenarios. But to hear Regulus deny his offer to join - he did so politely, and his reasons made sense - made him pause. Briefly his lips twitched down, in a semblance of a frown before his expression leveled out again. Part of him wanted to insist, but he knew no amount of words would convince Regulus that he was an asset worth the risk. Hell, even worth kicking someone else out over. He was trained in battle tactics, a member of Old Ebony's elite guardsmen, and definitely would be infinitely valuable for Celestial, but he was no beggar - if he was not wanted, so be it.

"I.. see," Diarmuid replied simply, gruffly, though his tone was no different than it had been prior. Only the slight arching of his right brow betrayed any surprise. He shot an interested glance toward Domari, fairly certain that he could see a kind of disappointment written on his still slightly boyish face, though it was difficult to tell. "Very well then. If you find your pack in need of my services, I can promise I won't be hard to find, and then I'd be happy to show you my skills. And I'm sure Domari can find me if a place for me opens up here." He dipped his head in low respect to Celestial's leader.

His gaze fell back to Domari, and his expression only softened into a smile when he faced the man again. It was hard to keep himself from not mentally considering him a boy still; he was fully grown now, capable of protecting himself and yet Diarmuid would never stop serving the Xanilov family. It was not only out of duty at this point, but truly out of love as well. "I will spend some time seeing if your other siblings have found themselves well," he offered him, his ears flicking slightly. "And after that, you won't have trouble finding me." He'd stay near Celestial's lands, not encroaching on their borders but certainly close enough to keep an eye on the well-being of Domari and Alarik and make sure they were faring well here.

Name is pronounced deer-mid