
I Must Be Dreaming

Zephyr I


10 Years
08-28-2017, 06:21 AM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2017, 06:21 AM by Zephyr I.)
Even if Zephyr tried to pretend his penchant for always being conveniently close to Caelum was a coincidence, the truth was that being away from her had grown quite difficult since spending so much time with her. It was a fact he sometimes even hated to admit to himself, but certainly never commented on to anyone else. It'd be easy, and make way too much sense to simply suggest that they settle down somewhere together.. or, god forbid, simply not leave her side again. He still liked his solitude on occasion still, but those moments of respite were growing far less frequent. It was easier to be around her now; much of the tension and angst they'd been holding on to had melted away, replaced by a warmth similar to what he remembered sharing with her so long ago. It would never be exactly the same, but it was definitely familiar and comforting.

Her call brought a mixture of emotions to him. On one hand, he was grateful she made a point to seek him out - she rarely called for him, so it was nice to hear her need for his company reaffirmed - but on the other hand, her tone held enough urgency to warrant worry. Not much at all, if any, but hearing her call for him was unusual enough to create a sense of urgency in his own mind even if there was none. Curious, he headed toward her. Again, he was conveniently close, and it didn't take long for him to find her, crouched in the stream and looking far too uncertain for his comfort. A slight frown tugged at his lips, but quickly gave way to a smile as he drew closer to her. "Miss me, did you?" Zephyr cooed affectionately as he padded cautiously into the stream, shivering from the slightly cool water as he leaned to nuzzle into the thick fur of her neck.

"Talk" "You" Think