
I Must Be Dreaming



10 Years
08-28-2017, 11:30 AM
As expected, she didn't have to wait long before he came to her call. Simply laying eyes on the larger man was enough to cause her somewhat tense muscles to relax slightly. Returning the affection with a quick lick, there was warmth in her eyes as she gazed at him. This was how it should be; when she felt things were overwhelming his mere presence would make it better. Chuckling softly she replied, "You know it. Guess I just can't get enough of you."

There was a pause, silence hanging in the air s she realized she should probably tell him why she'd called in the first place. That might be just a little important. Stepping back a bit so there was enough room to talk comfortably, she stood for a moment, jaws slightly parted as she searched for the way to breach the subject. "I didn't just call you cause of that, though. I have something I need to tell you, Zeph." Wow, this really wasn't like any of the other times. Of course it wasn't, it's not like they were alphas of a strong pack anymore, things were very different now. Shaking her dark cranium to rid herself of distracting thoughts Caelum sought to simply get it out there. No point in getting worked up over things right now.

"I'm pregnant"

After having three litters already Cae had no doubt it was true, she knew the symptoms when she felt them. But again concerns about their situation plagued her. They were loners now, there was no pack to keep their offspring safe from harm, this would be their first time with so few adults around their pups since the West Wind pack was still small. Of course despite her whirling mind, she remained excited at the idea of once again bringing new life into the world. Looking to Zephyr, her gaze sought reassurance from him that things would be fine.
[Image: caelum_bottle_by_jinxx_black-dbakmat.png]