
i wonder



12 Years
Extra large
08-28-2017, 12:21 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Regulus spotted the slight, brief frown on Domari and Alarik’s old guardian’s face at his regretful refusal, and felt more than saw Domari’s disappointment. However, the fact remained that he had to think of the pack as a whole when it came to population, and Diarmuid’s acceptance eased some of that worry.

He nodded easily at the older male’s words, adding, “I have no issue with you crossing the borders to visit Domari and Alarik—just be sure to howl first. It would give you a chance to see how they’re doing from time to time. If ever you need help, just call.”

Though this willingness to open Celestial’s borders to a loner may have seemed odd to many, it wasn’t one that was too unusual, if one had known his grandmother’s way of ruling. Erani had often made a point of making allies outside the pack—wolves and other creatures that would have been a valuable asset in the event of a siege or war. She had even allowed a mountain lion to make her home in one of the pack lands in return for any help in protecting the pack and not causing trouble with any of the pups.

And, after all, this wasn’t the first time he’d opened the borders to loners, though the last time had of course been his little brother. He had no issue with having guests, so long as they behaved themselves and made their presence known. It was those who trespassed without permission he preferred to tear into.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]