
I could really use a wish so can those airplanes be like shooting stars?



4 Years
08-28-2017, 12:25 PM

Pain. Fear. loneliness. those were words she had no word for but she knew the feelings now. She felt like Faite had forsaken her, like her world was turned upside down. Her leg shot pain up it every time she took a step and anytime she tried to put pressure on it. She dared not cry out though. Her fun day had turned into the very thing she feared. A nightmare. what had started out as an innocent friendship quickly took a turn for the worst. She didn't even understand it. How could she? she was foreign and barely a teenager.

He had done something that caused her immense pain. He had bit into her leg fiercely and caused it to make a snapping sound. He had also put himself inside her and all she knew was it hurt and didn't feel good. She didn't like those games. Her eyes watered again as she hobbled on three legs with her left front leg lifted across the shore. She was doing her best to stay away from Ariet. She didn't want to play with him anymore. He was a nightmare she knew it now. He wouldn't let her leave either. She only wanted to go home and curl up with Faite and the white man that seemed to hang around Faites other children. Her tail was curled, clinging to her belly. Her ears pressed back. She didn't dare try to swim back with her leg in such pain. Her inner thighs had been stained with her own blood, but she didn't worry about cleaning it, not when she needed to get home.

She had waited for Ariet to depart the island again and now she was trying to think this through. she had smelled two others here, but had yet to see them. They needed to come together and try to get some help she knew. She couldn't fight and her only hope was faite. She stopped and looked out over the water at the mainland in the distance and gave a quieter bark to see if the other two would come out without Ariet on the island.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.