
I could really use a wish so can those airplanes be like shooting stars?



3 Years
08-28-2017, 06:22 PM

Mammon was eagerly awaiting her brother's return, she knew he was off doing some form of training though the vixen could only think of him as perfect already. The musty smell of foliage and the tantalizing scent of the various birds in the canopy above her helped to mask the faint smell of blood as it wafted it's way towards her. But when it finally dawned on her what she scenting it was tinged with the smell of her brother. 

Panicked coursed through her, she imagined Levi broken and bloody, a million images of his corpse mangled in various ways flashed through her mind and she suddenly sprang to her paws. She coursed through the trees towards his scent and slowed only as the smell of a stranger started to become clearer. She narrowed eyes, peering out at the scene through the shrubbery, she couldn't be sure that the stranger wasn't hostile. 

Well not til Levi spoke anyways. She rolled her eyes, though she knew he was a decent deceiver he had never matched her own skill, at least not in her own mind. She slid from her hiding place, moving to stand up beside her brother, trailing her tail along his rump and up his spine slightly as she stood a bit a head of him. "Oh hush, sweet. Can you not see she is spooked." she gave him a meaningful look before easily sliding a kind smile onto her maw as she looked back at the rainbow girl. 

"Do not mind my brother, he is overly... eager..." She let her voice trail off as she eyed the girl's poor mangled form, a concerned frown creasing her brow. "I must agree that you should let us tend to you though..." She took a small tentative step forwards, cool blues watching for the girl's response. 

Walk "Levi" "Ava" Think

Leviathan or "Levi" as Mammon's brother and lover is welcome to crash all her threads regardless of tag rating.[Image: GMZH5Ns.png]