
'Cause I Got Issues



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
08-28-2017, 07:46 PM
If Ásvor felt aimless before, well.. she was feeling completely lost now. Winter had passed quickly, and spring seemed to move by just as quickly. The harsh terrain of the north, once a comfort to her, had caused her more discomfort than she liked once the weather grew more tolerable. Unsure what else to do, she had headed south again, deciding to explore the more western areas of Boreas. Much of the west was unknown to her, and probably full of plants she knew little about - and it was hard for Ásvor to pass up the possibility to learn more about herbs.

She'd spent the day traveling through dry, hot desert, and so when the scent of moisture in the air touched her nose she had trouble turning away. Disappointingly it didn't end up being a great water source, but instead a bleak wetland. The birds, at least, seemed happy here though their incessant squawking overhead didn't lighten her mood even a bit. A slight frown touched her lips as she padded through the marshy land, trying to avoid the wetter areas. It seemed a fruitless task, though, because before she knew it her paws were caked in mud.

Only the scent of a stranger, a young female, distracted her from her irritated musings. Quietly she shifted her course, navigating over an alarmingly deep patch of mud - nearly coming halfway up her limbs - before finding a better patch of solid ground, and catching sight of the stranger. "Doesn't look like the best place to rest, if you ask me," Ásvor called out, her voice laced with sweetness and a bit of mischief, as she aimed to close the distance between them carefully, not wanting to get any more dirty than absolutely necessary.