
I could really use a wish so can those airplanes be like shooting stars?



2 Years
Extra large
08-28-2017, 10:43 PM

It was easy for the yearling to get lost in the temporary freedom and solace he'd found in wandering away from Lirim. As much as he hated the thought of shirking his new duties as the pack's leader, he couldn't bring himself to stay within its borders for forever. After meeting the beautiful starry red female he'd found that the world had many things he hadn't seen yet. As young as he was he still had the desire to act his age and forget the worries of his early introduction into adult hood.

Following Leshia hadn't exactly been on his plan of "fun" things to do, but he seemed to have picked up on his mother's need to make sure no one else wandered off. Of course if Leshia was well and truly leaving the pack for good Rory wouldn't have stopped her, but anything could happen and Rory wanted to make sure nothing happened to any more of the pack. Enough kids had somehow disappeared and, despite the fact Leshia was older than he was, he was still worried.

He tailed the female at a good distance, but was more than surprised when she took off in the water. It stumped him for only a moment before he plunged in after her and didn't stop until he'd reached the sandy shoreline of an island. He glanced around as he shook the water out of his short fur. From what he could see the place was beautiful. Tropical shores, the scent of exotic birds and other prey animals, and there were even mountains. Who knew islands could be so beautiful?

He shook himself off once more before taking off after Leshia. It wasn't too long before his nose wrinkled at the scent of blood, but the fact that he recognized who it belonged to scent his hackles raising and his blood boiling. He took off after his pack mate and arrived in time to see Leshia forcing herself between Jewell and two shorter yearlings. Ears flicked to hear Leshia's words before he turned to size up the odd pair.

"Thank you for the concern, but we need to take her home." He addressed them politely as he could thinking that it was the proper thing to do. At this point he wasn't very trustful of strangers and getting her home seemed like the best bet. They could patch her up along the way until his aunt or someone else back at the pack could do a more thorough job.

He moved past the two yearlings, making sure to keep an ear trained on them, and he moved next to Leshia to face Jewell head on. Bi-colored gaze scanned Jewell for her injuries and took notice of the blood on her leg and the way she favored it. "I'm sorry for following you, but I'm glad I did." He murmured to Leshia before looking back at Jewell. He still couldn't figure out why she had blood on her backside, or where exactly it was coming from, but he had a feeling he didn't want to know. "Jewell, what happened to you?" He asked softly. "Mom's been worried sick about you." The fact he smelled another male on her only made him anxious.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]