
I Bring The Weather With Me



2 Years
Extra large
08-28-2017, 11:12 PM

Well it seemed like uncomfortable would be the one word to describe how he was feeling. Now that he'd openly gawked at her (and she didn't seem fazed by it at all, but why would she?) he was feeling pretty embarrassed by it. He'd learned early on that it was rude to stare and yet here he was. He supposed he should just be glad that she hadn't gotten offended.

Of course his awkwardness only continued as the toothy grin spread across her face as she listened to him fumble for words. Ears flicked backwards against his skull for the briefest of moments before flicking forward once more to listen to her speak. His head tilted slightly to the side as she explained she liked her weather more extreme and at first he couldn't agree with her. Who didn't like a breezy summer day like this one? It wasn't too hot and the summer wasn't draining the life out of Boreas and all its inhabitants for once.

It wasn't until she went on to explain that nothing entertaining ever happened that he understood. He found himself nodding absentmindedly as he thought about it in detail. "I suppose you're right." He agreed, but fell silent when she began walking in a semi-circle around him. He forced his haunches to remain against the ground as she stared at him. It almost felt as though her blue gaze was drilling holes in his back and he certainly started to feel self conscious. He definitely wasn't as pretty or abnormal as she was color wise. He was grateful when she began to speak again to introduce herself.

"I'm RuaidhrĂ­ Aedan Adravendi-Valentine. I guess my mom decided I needed a super long name." He gave her a soft joking smile. "Do your parents look like you?" He asked curiously. What if there was a whole family of star wolves he never even knew about?

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]