
I could really use a wish so can those airplanes be like shooting stars?



4 Years
08-29-2017, 01:31 AM

As soon as another appeared she was on edge. It wasn't Ariet but she still wasn't sure she wanted anything to do with him. Her fur bristled with weariness and fear, even as he spoke. She'd been naive once and at one time would of brined him. Being as her attack from Ariet was so recent though she really didn't want to trust anyone.

Her ears pressed all the way back and she stood and spun quickly to have her right side facing him but her head trained on him. She didn't want any more nightmares. She just wanted to go back home and stay there, forever. It was safe there and she knew it. She really just wanted to see Faite right now, Faite would make it all better and explain to her what had happened she knew.

The appearance of a second unknown had her hobbling backwards. She really wasn't sure about this. If a nightmare inhabited this island it meant that others were likely to come here too. Swimming off the island wasn't exactly going to happen. She would probably be unable to swim with her left front leg the way it was. "Jewell not want more, jewell just want go back to pack." there was a quietness to her voice now but the accent was still so thick she couldnot be mistaken for anything but foreign.

She didn't even know what she had done wrong this time. Then another came upon the scene. She could recognize the scent but didn't know the face really except in passing. Her yelling at her added to her already confused look. Did she do something wrong to make Faite's friends angry at her too? She didnt understand. The only thing she knew to do to make it better was to apologize. "Jewell is apologize, Jewell not mean to make anger. Don't understand why anger though." Her voice did not hide her confusion over everything right now.

Then there came a feeling wash over her as her bicolored eyes met the form of Rory, it was as though everything would be better soon and that she could just go home soon. He was here to take her back to Faite. A feeling of relief passed through her but the name of such feelings evaded her. In fact at the moment she mistook it for something else as her heart clenched and seemed to skip a beat. Her fur flattened and she couldn't help the tears that spilled from her eyes. This meant the nightmares couldn't touch her now. As he moved she paused her breaths. He would explain it right?

It took but a second for him to make it close and she was upon him. She aimed to put her much smaller head in his chest fur and just let loose her breath she'd been holding. He smelled like home, safety and most importantly it was a scent she would never forget again. She took her comfort from that scent in the moment. Rory was one of few she knew in the pack and now there was a feeling inside her she thought was a romantic sort of feeling. His voice as deep as it was was shelter in itself. He was safety. She clutched her leg to her chest and kept it from his form touching it.

His question she answered with a breathless whisper. She knew him best of all here so she could trust him. She knew French would do her no good so she'd habe to make due with broken up English. "Jewell tried make new friends but Ariet lore and Ganta lore are nightmare. Ariet eat Jewell's leg. Then Ariet lore confuse Jewell, climbed on Jewell and hurt Jewell. Jewell not understand what did wrong..... just want go back to pack...... stay in pack.... not leave Rory side again...... not go adventure again Jewell promise." did she blame herself? Yeas she did. She had t o of done something wrong to make Ariet so angry with her. Rory would know, he had to. Faite taught him everything she was sure. She didn't even try to hide her shaking or her tears. She only tried to stay against Rory and keep her head and nose burried in his fur.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.